
Privacy Policy

  • Introduction

Furness Insurance Services Limited (the “Data Controller”) is committed to ensuring that any personal data received from the users of this website (“Website”) is protected and handled in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

In general, any information and data provided to the Data Controller over the Website, acquired in the use of services such as: the registration procedure, the request for products and services, information or estimates, access to the registration procedure (which is reserved for users who have the quality of insurance brokers or intermediaries), filling out the forms provided in order to notify a claim or to request any of the insurance services provided through the Website (“Forms”) or which is otherwise gathered via the Website by the Data Controller in the context of the use of the Data Controller’s services (“Services”), will be processed by the Data Controller in a lawful, fair and transparent manner.

  1. Data Controller

The Data Controller, as identified at the top of this Privacy Policy, is the Data Controller regarding all personal data processing carried out through the Website.

  • Personal Data processed

When you use the Website, the Data Controller will collect and process information regarding you (as an individual) which allows you to be identified either by itself or together with other information which has been collected. The Data Controller may also be able to collect and process information regarding other persons in this same manner, assuming you choose to provide it to the Data Controller.

This information may be classified as “Personal Data” and can be collected by the Data Controller when you choose to provide it (e.g., when you sign up for an account to receive the Data Controller’s Services).

Personal Data that can be processed by the Data Controller through the Website are as follows:

a. Name, contact details and other Personal Data

In various sections of the Website – in particular, if you decide to create an account on the Website or when you fill out a Form – you will be asked to submit information such as your name, phone number, e-mail address, gender, date of birth, country of residence and address, as well as, in certain cases, information related to the company you currently work for and your position in that company.

In addition, whenever you participate in surveys that may be available on the Website, as well as whenever you communicate with the Data Controller through the contact details provided on the Website, the Data Controller may collect additional information that you choose to provide. This is also the case regarding any information you choose to disclose in certain sections of the Website which allow you to fill out a Form or to contact the Data Controller directly.

b. Job applications

When registering to apply for a position within the Data Controller, in the “Careers” section of the Website (where available), you will also be asked to provide different types of Personal Data, including professional and employment details (e.g. resume, cover letter, professional qualifications, availability to start, professional social media URLs, etc.).

You are also asked to provide other job-specific information, including your marital status, gender and date of birth, which may help to give more insight of you as a candidate – however, this is entirely optional and not mandatory.

c. Special categories of Personal Data

Certain areas of the Website provide you with some free text fields where you can describe to the Data Controller some information that you need to communicate to the Data Controller as required in the Forms, or otherwise allow you to post various types of content on the Website, which may contain Personal Data.

You may use such areas to disclose (inadvertently or not) some sensitive (“particular”) categories of Personal Data, such as data revealing your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership. The content you upload in these fields may also (inadvertently or not) include other types of particular information relating to you, such as your genetic data, biometric data or data concerning your health, sex life or sexual orientation or any disabilities you may have.

The Data Controller asks that you do not disclose any particular Personal Data in these free text fields on the Website unless it is strictly necessary. If so, please mind that the Data Controller needs your explicit consent to process this type of Personal Data (e.g. by declaring that you consent in the free text field), if you decide, nonetheless, to share it.

d. Other persons’ Personal Data

As mentioned in the previous section, certain areas of the Website and of the Forms include specific fields as well as free text fields where you can write messages to the Data Controller, or otherwise allow you to insert various types of data on the Website. These messages and content may (inadvertently or on purpose) include Personal Data related to other persons.

In other sections of the Website, you are asked to submit Personal Data related to third parties, such as other contacts in your company, colleagues, clients, policyholders, claimants, counterparties and/or insurers.

In any situation where you decide to share Personal Data related to other persons, you will be considered as an independent data controller regarding the Personal Data and must assume all inherent legal obligations and responsibilities. This means that you must fully indemnify the Data Controller against any complaints, claims or demands for compensation for damages which may arise from the processing of this Personal Data, brought by the third parties whose information you provide through the Website.

As the Data Controller does not collect this information directly from third parties (but rather collects them, indirectly, from you), you must make sure that you have the third parties’ consent before providing any information regarding them to the Data Controller; if not, then you must make sure there are some other appropriate grounds on which you can rely to lawfully give this information to the Data Controller.

e. Browsing Data

The Websites operation, as is standard with any websites on the Internet, involves the use of computer systems and software procedures, which collect information about the Websites users as part of their routine operation. While the Data Controller does not collect this information to link it to specific users, it is still possible to identify those users either directly via that information, or by using other information collected – as such, this information must also be considered Personal Data.

This information includes several parameters related to your operating system and IT environment, including your IP address, location (country), the domain names of your computer, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of resources you request on the Website, the time of requests made, the method used to submit requests to the server, the dimensions of the file obtained in response to a request, the numerical code indicating the status of the response sent by the server (successful, error, etc.), and so on.

These data are used to compile statistical information on the use of the Website, as well as to ensure its correct operation and identify any faults and/or abuse of the Website.

f. Cookies

Cookies are small text files that may be sent to and registered on your computer by the websites you visit, to then be re-sent to those same sites when you visit them again. It is due to these cookies that those websites can “remember” your actions and preferences (e.g. login data, language, font size, other display settings, etc.), so that you do not need to configure them again when you next visit the website, or when you change pages within a website.

For more details, please refer to our Cookies Policy.

Purposes of processing and lawful basis for processing

The Data Controller intends to use your Personal Data, collected through the Website, for the following purposes:

  • To verify your identity and assist you in case you lose or forget your login details for any of the Data Controller’s registration services, by maintaining a registered user profile and to provide any other Services which you may request (“Service Provision”). The lawful basis for this process is to perform a contract with the data subject. It is not mandatory for you to give the Data Controller your Personal Data for these purposes; however, if you do not, the Data Controller will not be able to provide any Services to you.
  • To examine applicant’s resumes / CVs and to get in contact with applicants who have submitted their application via the Website (“Recruitment”). The lawful basis for this process can be one of the followings: necessary to perform a contract with you as data subject – compliance with legal obligations which the Data Controller is subject to, in relation to employment law – Legitimate interests of the Data Controller – your consent as data subject.

Processing for this purpose is needed for the Data Controller to be able to consider offering you a position and, therefore, is necessary to take steps at your request before (potentially) entering into a contract. It is not mandatory for you to give the Data Controller your Personal Data for these purposes; however, if you do not, the Data Controller will not be able to consider your candidacies.

  • Sending newsletters regarding information of interest about the services offered and about initiatives promoted by the company (“Newsletter”). The lawful basis that allows us to process your data is your consent exercised through the opt-in operation.
  • For compliance with laws which impose upon the Data Controller the collection and/or further processing of certain types of Personal Data and to prevent and detect any misuse of the Website, or any fraudulent activities carried out through the Website (“Compliance”). The lawful basis for this process is legal obligation.
  • Recipients of Personal Data

Your Personal Data may be shared with the following list of persons / entities (“Recipients”):

  • Persons, companies or professional firms providing the Data Controller with advice and consultancy regarding for example accounting, administrative, legal, tax, financial and debt collection matters related to the provision of the Services.
  • Entities engaged to provide the Services (e.g., hosting providers or e-mail platform providers).
  • Persons authorized to perform technical maintenance (including maintenance of network equipment and electronic communications networks).
  • Persons authorized by the Data Controller to process Personal Data needed to carry out activities strictly related to the provision of the Services, who have undertaken an obligation of confidentiality or are subject to an appropriate legal obligation of confidentiality (e.g., employees of the Data Controller).
  • Other companies within the Data Controller Group.
  • Public entities, bodies or authorities to whom your Personal Data may be disclosed, in accordance with the applicable law or binding orders of those entities, bodies or authorities.
  • Transfer of Personal Data

Your Personal Data may be transferred to Recipients located in several different countries. The Data Controller implements appropriate safeguards to ensure the lawfulness and security of these Personal Data transfers, such as by relying on adequacy decisions from the European Commission, standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission, or other safeguards or conditions considered adequate to the transfer at hand.

  • Retention of Personal Data

We will retain your personal information for as long as is reasonably necessary to fulfil the relevant purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. The retention period will be primarily determined by relevant legal and regulatory obligation and/or duration of our business relationship with you, your employer, or another associated party. We maintain and regularly update our Data Retention Policy with a detailed retention schedule. We will securely delete or erase your personal information if there is no valid business reason for retaining your data. In exceptional circumstances, we may retain your personal information for longer periods of time if we reasonably believe there is a prospect of litigation, in the event of any complaints or if there is another valid business reason the data will be needed in the future.

  • Data subjects’ rights

You have certain rights as a data subject which you can exercise in relation to the information, we hold about you. If you make a request to exercise any of your rights, we reserve the right to ask you for a proof of your identity. We aim to acknowledge your request as soon as possible and will address your query within one month from your request.

You have the following rights:

The right to access

If we are processing your data, you are entitled to a confirmation, a copy of your data, and information about purposes of processing – who we disclose it to, whether we transfer it abroad and how we protect it, how long we keep it for, what rights you have, where your data is from and how you can make a complaint.

The right to rectification

If you believe that the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you can request for it to be rectified.

The right to erasure

If you withdraw your consent, terminate a contract with us or you believe the personal information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, you may request for your data to be deleted. However, this will need to be balanced against other factors, for example, there may be certain regulatory obligations which mean we cannot comply with your request.

The right to restrict processing

You can ask us to restrict (i.e. keep but not use) your personal data, but only where:

  • Its accuracy is contested, to allow us to verify its accuracy; or
    • The processing is unlawful, but you do not want it erased; or
    • It is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected, but we still need it to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; or
    • You have exercised the right to object, and verification of overriding grounds is pending.

We can continue to use your personal data following a request for restriction, where we have your consent; to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; or to protect the rights of another natural or legal person.

The right to data portability

If we have collected your information under a contract or your consent, you could request us to transfer your personal information to provide it to another third party of your choice.

The right to object

You have the right to object at any time the processing of your personal data where it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest, or in the exercise of an official authority vested in the controller. You may also object where the processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests, except where such interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms – in particular, if you are a child.

The right to withdraw consent

If we have processed your personal information under your consent, you could withdraw it at any time.

We do not have to comply with a request where it would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of other individuals.

  • Contact details of the Data Protection Officer

You can also exercise your rights described above by sending a written request to the Data Controller at the following address:

  • Complaints

If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are not processing your personal data in accordance with legal requirements you can make a complaint to the relevant Data Protection Authority.

  • Amendments

This Privacy Policy entered into force on 25/05/2018. The Data Controller reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy partly or fully, or simply to update its content, e.g., due to changes in applicable law. The Data Controller, therefore, invites you to regularly visit this Privacy Policy to acquaint yourself with the latest, updated version of the Privacy Policy, so that you may remain constantly informed on how the Data Controller collects and uses Personal Data.



Terms & Conditions of use of Platforms

Furness Insurance Services, with registered offices at 106 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 5JF, United Kingdom (hereinafter “Furness Insurance Services”) has developed a secure website and webservices (hereinafter “Website”) which may be accessed by Insurance Intermediaries to enter various data, including data regarding contracting parties and/or beneficiaries and relevant risks, submit a request for a quotation, prepare policies and insurance certificates, notify and manage claims (hereinafter “Services”).

These are the general Terms and Conditions of Furness Insurance Services for the use of the Website. The address of the Website is

The use of the Website by the User, or that of its Authorised User, will be subject to these Terms and Conditions and any subsequent amendments provided that we give notice in accordance with Clause 11. By continuing to use the Website the Users are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use.


“User” refers to the user, or viewer of the Website, acting in its capacity as an Insurance Intermediary;

“Authorised User” refers to any person employed and authorised by the User to use the Website;

“Users” refers to the User and/or its Authorised User all together;

“Other User” refers to any other person not authorised by the User to use the Web Site;

“TOBA” refers to Terms of Business Agreement.

1. Access to the Website

The User must be established within the European Economic Area (EEA), and authorised and regulated by the relevant regulatory authority. The Users agree to comply with all applicable law, statutes and regulations in connection with the use of the Website

Furness Insurance Services hereby grants the Users the right to access the Website and to use it within such limits and on such Terms and Conditions as specified in, or incorporated into, this agreement. In order to access the Website, the User shall request access for all the persons within its organization who need to access the Website. The Users must register on the Website.

Furness Insurance Services reserves the right to grant, restrict or revoke access of the Users to the Website at any time.

Any password chosen by the Users shall have a minimum of 8 characters, containing upper case, lower case and numbers, shall be changed at least every 90 days and shall be kept confidential. In the event that the Users have reason to believe that a username and/or password has not been kept confidential and/or that someone is using a username and/or password in an improper manner, they shall immediately notify Furness Insurance Services and Furness Insurance Services will take such remedial action as it determines at their sole discretion.

The use of the Website does not grant the Users acting under a TOBA any powers in addition to or other than those conferred on them under the TOBA in force at the time of any access to the Website. Therefore, in the event that, for any reason whatsoever, including any software error or failure to update the TOBA, the Users have access to a section of the Website other than the one corresponding to the powers conferred on them under the TOBA in force, the Users shall refrain from undertaking any commercial activity in that section. This includes writing risks and or reviewing commercially sensitive material.  The Users shall immediately notify Furness Insurance Services of any such software error or failure to update the TOBA.

2. Technical requirements to be met

The Users hereby acknowledges and accepts that they retain responsibility and liability for ensuring that the hardware and software used by the Users to access the Website, shall be acquired and maintained at Users’ sole cost and shall have sufficient capability to access the Website.

Furness Insurance Services reserves the right to update the technical characteristics of the Website at its sole discretion. It is the responsibility of the Users to obtain and maintain an Internet connection, at its sole cost.

The Users shall use and shall keep regularly updated and/or patched as relevant, appropriate information protection measures when accessing the Website including but not limited to anti-virus software, firewalls and internal information protection policies and/or usage standards have said software regularly updated and patched.

3. Services offered by the Website

The Website is intended to give the Users information and quotations in relation to insurance cover offered by Furness Insurance Services. Furness Insurance Services will issue certificates of insurance and/or reinsurance certificates to the Users online.

Insurance certificates issued through the Website are for the Users’ benefit only. It is Users’ responsibility to ensure that all information provided by them and their client is correct. Certificates may not be transferred or used for the benefit of anyone else.

Any insurance certificate issued is subject to the terms of the policy document. The Users should read the terms of the policy before purchasing on behalf of the clients any insurance from Furness Insurance Services. Any insurance provided to the Users is for the sole use of the Users and their clients.

Furness Insurance Services allows the Users:

where the Users are acting under a TOBA, to access one or more sections, depending on the credentials conferred on the Users, where they will be able to submit a request for a quotation, to prepare on-line policies, by entering the details of the contracting parties and/or beneficiaries and insured risk, to notify and manage claims, to print the documents so obtained. In the event that the powers conferred on the Users under the TOBA are modified, the right to access the sections of the Website may be modified by Furness Insurance Services accordingly;

where the Users are acting under a TOBA, to access a section containing all the details of the policies issued by using the Website under a TOBA.

The services offered by the Website are free of charge.

4. Restrictions of Use

The Website shall be accessed by the Users for the sole purpose of using the Services, and any other services that may be offered in the future and the use of which has been granted to the Users in writing by Furness Insurance Services.

The User undertakes not to, and agrees to procure that the Authorised User shall not, use the Website in an improper manner, and undertake that neither shall:

(a) reverse engineer or decompile (whether in whole or in part) any software at the Website, use any software and/or other device which may interfere with the functionality of the Website;

(b) other than where necessary in the normal course of carrying out its business disclose, publish, transfer or otherwise make available any of the contents of the Website or information learned whilst visiting the Website; knowingly use the Services to obtain quotations for insurance coverage using incorrect information;

(c) try to access sections where the Users have not received the appropriate authority and/or authorisation to access; attempt to accept a quotation without obtaining the consent of the clients; obtain excessive numbers of quotations, or use the proposal to obtain quotations in a manner which prevents or hinders other persons’ ability to obtain quotations or insurance policies, or otherwise create a nuisance of themselves or to the Website and/or Services;

(d) remove any copyright, trade mark or other intellectual property right notices contained in material on the Website; remove, change or obscure any product identification or notices of proprietary rights and restrictions on or in the Website;

(e) other than where necessary in the normal course of carrying out its business make copies, modify or alter (including the creation of HTML links to or from the Website) all or any part of the Website or any materials contained on the Website;

(f) knowingly publish, post, upload, distribute, disseminate or otherwise transmit, information or pictures that are obscene or pornographic, threatening, menacing, racist, offensive, defamatory, libellous, slanderous or are otherwise unlawful on the Website and will take reasonable precautions to prevent the transmission of such material;

(g) upload files to the Website that contain software or other materials in breach of any intellectual property rights or in breach of confidence;

(h) hack into, deliver viruses or forward chain letters, surveys, contests, pyramid schemes or engage in any other behaviour intended to inhibit any other person from using and enjoying the Website or is otherwise likely to damage or destroy the reputation of the Website;

(i) use the Website in a manner which may cause an infringement of the rights of Furness Insurance Services and/or of any other third party(ies), or constitutes or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise be contrary to the law or infringe the rights of Furness Insurance Services or any third party in the UK or any other country in the world;

The Users hereby agree to use the Website only while the TOBA is in force. This agreement does not take precedence over or modify the terms of any TOBA.

5. Rights

Furness Insurance Services accepts no obligation to monitor the use of the Website by the Users.

However, Furness Insurance Services reserves the right to disclose any information as required by law and/or to remove, refuse to post, or to edit such information and materials, and to take such other action as may be reasonably necessary to prevent any breach of these terms occurring. Furness Insurance Services will promptly provide the User with details in writing of any such actions unless prohibited from doing so by law or regulation.

Furness Insurance Services reserves the right to block the access of any user at any time, either temporarily or permanently, to the Website, if Furness Insurance Services deems, in its absolute discretion, that it is reasonable to do so but shall make available records of previous transactions upon receipt of the Users’ reasonable request.

The Website (including the software used to operate it) and the trademarks used in connection with the Website are owned by Furness Insurance Services and/or its licensors. The Users are not granted any right or interest in these except as stated in these terms. The Users shall notify Furness Insurance Services immediately if they become aware of any unauthorised access, use or copying by any person.

6. Operation of the Services and Website

Furness Insurance Services may change the format and content of the Website and/or the Services at its sole discretion from time to time. Furness Insurance Services may, from time to time suspend the operation of the Website for repair or maintenance work, or to update or upgrade the contents or functionality of Website. Furness Insurance Services will use all reasonable endeavours to undertake such repairs, maintenance or amendments to the Website as quickly as possible.

The Users hereby agree to comply with all reasonable directions and instructions given by Furness Insurance Services in relation to the use of and access to the Website, and to use the Website in accordance with all applicable regulations.

7. Usage of the site for obtaining insurance quotations or coverage

The Users agree that the exchange of messages via the Website is a valid means of forming an insurance contract and that they will not challenge the admissibility as evidence of any insurance information, whether originating from the Users, or any Other User, on the sole ground that such insurance information is an electronic communication, nor contest the validity of any contract on the sole ground that it was issued electronically via the Website.

The Users agree that if any legislation or regulation requires any contract to be in writing, any contract formed electronically via the Website will be deemed to satisfy that requirement, and that if any legislation or regulation requires any contract to be signed, an electronic signature incorporated into or associated with a contract will be deemed to satisfy that requirement.

The User will accept as having originated from an Authorised User any insurance information that purports to have been sent by that Authorised User and, in the absence of manifest error, discrepancy, alteration or corruption of insurance information will accept the integrity of that insurance information and the authority of the Authorised User to send such insurance information.

The User is responsible for any insurance information sent by its Authorised User or any Other User accessing the Website using any of its username and password.

The Users may not challenge the validity of any contracts concluded by any Authorised User or any Other User accessing the Website using its usernames and passwords solely on the basis that such person was not duly authorised to conclude such a contract, unless the fact that such person was not duly authorised was manifestly obvious at the time such contract was formed.

Insurance information sent via the Website will be deemed to have been received when such insurance information is recorded by the Website as having been received. The Users should check their Inbox to ensure any insurance information they have sent has been recorded by the Website as received.

A contract will be formed, or changes to a contract formalised, where the Website records that an acceptance by one User of an offer to contract, or an offer to change the terms of a contract, capable of acceptance has been accepted by another User.

8. Disclaimer and Limitations of Liability

In no event shall Furness Insurance Services be liable (whether for breach of contract, negligence or for any other reason) for any loss of profits, loss of sales, loss of revenue, loss of any software or data, loss of bargain, loss of opportunity, loss of use of computer equipment, software or data, loss of or waste of management or other staff time, or for any indirect, consequential or special loss (howsoever arising).

The Users shall indemnify Furness Insurance Services and keep Furness Insurance Services always indemnified against any proven foreseeable and fully mitigated loss or damage arising from an unauthorised use of the Website and from all proven foreseeable and fully mitigated actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs (including legal costs), awards and damages arising from any breach or non-performance by the Users of any of their obligations under these general Terms and Conditions. This obligation to indemnify includes the obligation to reimburse Furness Insurance Services for legal costs incurred and for sanctions inflicted on them, if any.

Furness Insurance Services makes no representation or warranty (express or implied) or provides any advice about the accuracy, quality or completeness of any information or materials made available on third party web sites linked from the Website. Furness Insurance Services shall not be liable for any action taken by the Users as a result of relying on any information provided in third party web sites or for any loss or damage suffered by the Users.

Furness Insurance Services does not accept responsibility for the security or content of any information which the Users supply through the Website, except as set out in our privacy policy as amended from time to time.

The Users are solely responsible for their use of the Website, usernames, passwords and any information made available on the Website from time to time and for any consequences or effects (whether direct or indirect) of such use.

Furness Insurance Services does not warrant that the Website will be uninterrupted or error or defect free or available for any period of time. It is the responsibility of the Users to make and keep a daily back-up copy on a protected disk of all the data entered by the Users into the Website.

9. Right to Terminate

Furness Insurance Services reserves the right to terminate the Users’ access to the Website at any time and without notice, for any reason whatsoever.

The Users may cancel any of the Services at any time by giving written notice to Furness Insurance Services. Any notice given by the Users pursuant to this clause will not remove any obligation on the Users in relation to Insurance Business transaction that is in progress at the time such notice is given. Moreover, notice under this clause shall not be effective notice under any contract of insurance.

On termination, the Users will pay all sums due and received by the Users up to the date of termination to Furness Insurance Services within 28 days of such termination.

The Users acknowledge and agree that upon termination or expiry of this agreement, howsoever arising, Furness Insurance Services shall not be required to delete data entered by the Users into the Website provided that such data is retained in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.

10. Use of Data

The Website is operated in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Personal data provided by the Users to Furness Insurance Services will be held and processed in the manner set out in our Privacy Policy.

11. General

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and the Users consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts in all disputes arising out of or relating to the use of this Website. The Website is operated and controlled by Furness Insurance Services from its offices in the United Kingdom. Furness Insurance Services makes no representation that information or material contained at its Website is appropriate for use in other jurisdictions. The Users agree that Furness Insurance Services may sub-contract the performance of any of its obligations or may assign these Terms and Conditions or any of its rights or obligations subject to giving the Users reasonable prior written notice. Furness Insurance Services may delay enforcing its rights under these Terms and Conditions without losing them.

If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found to be unenforceable this shall not affect the validity of any other provision.

Furness Insurance Services may amend, vary or supplement these terms and conditions. Any such changes may be provided to the Users by any reasonable means including, but not limited to, posting a revised Terms and Conditions on the Website. It remains the Users’ responsibility to access and check these Terms and Conditions whenever they access the Website as the latest version of these Terms and Conditions will govern any future usage of the Website. The Users will be able to determine when this was most recently revised by checking the date at the top of this page.

These Terms and Conditions (as varied in accordance with its terms) form the entire understanding of the parties and supersede all previous agreements, understandings and representations relating to the subject matter.

12. Contacts

The Users may contact Furness Insurance Services about any problems or questions relating to the Website at

Furness Insurance Service

7th Floor, 106 Fenchurch Street, 

London, EC3M 5JF

United Kingdom